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প্রথম পাতা » English » A special musical evening to be held on Friday to help underprivileged children
A special musical evening to be held on Friday to help underprivileged children
Md.Maruf Rana
[Dhaka, 21 October 2024] – UTSHO Bangladesh, a community-based organization working for underprivileged children for three decades, is going to arrange a music show on October 25 (Friday) to raise funds for their betterment.
‘UTSHO Sandhya (evening) 2024’ is scheduled to be held at the Krishibid Institution Bangladesh Complex (South Block, Level B-1), in Dhaka city’s Farmgate area.
Popular singers Rituraj, Nandita and Masha Islam are expected to perform at the musical soiree dedicated to contributing to realising the dreams of the marginalised children and youth being brough up by UTSHO.
Currently serving 556 students, including 85 residential children at its largest campus in Gazipur, UTSHO has appealed for people’s generosity to help raise both awareness and funds for its vital programmes supporting education, care, and other essential services for marginalised children, juveniles and youth.
Tickets for the ‘UTSHO Sandhya 2024’, valued in a range of Tk 700-Tk 3000, can be purchased through Tickify. Music lovers and generous people can also call at 01711622378 or 01755618930 and visit the official website of UTSHO Bangladesh for more information.
বিষয়: #l evening #l musica #specia